

During my decades of being online I’ve collected all sorts if links. Some more useful than others. In the times before Google it was very common to collect links on one page for sharing. Some of these links have been here since 1999, but most of them are newer.

The links are under different themes, but in random order.

If you have something to add or something doesn’t work, send me a note.

Useful tools


QR-codes from any url

Lorem Ipsum

Text filler for design purposes


Decorative text


Focusing with a timer


Make your own motivating poster

stripe generator

More stripes than you'll ever need

Guerrilla Mail

Easy disposable e-mail addresses

Google Planimeter

Measure areas in Google Maps

Online converter

Convert any measurement to any other measurement

Color Combinations

Find the perfect color combination

Waste your time

Music Trivia Quiz

Recognise songs and bands

Puzzle Baron's Logic Puzzles

User you logic to solve these


Everything you need to know about board games

Cornell University Library Digital Collections

Picture collection from the library


Quizzes of all possible things


Free to use photo bank courtesy of city of Helsinki


CIA World Fact Book

Everything CIA wants you to know about the countries in the world

the oatmeal

Stories about life


More free books than you'll need

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

More philosophical comic

The world is going to end

Different theories on how the world will end

PHD Comics

(Greaduate) student life

Learn something new

drawing tips

Learn how to draw 2


Learn how to draw 4

MIT OpenCourseWare

Study for free with these courses made by MIT


Classes and stories from various experts

Kitchen cheat sheets

You could always cook a bit better


Free courses for everybody

Free advertiisng

luova kookos

Online communications and everything around it


Take control of your life


Organise your tasks better

Ilon Kipinä

More joy to relationships